Old Town Style | San Diego CA

Jamie and my husband worked together for 5 years when we lived in San Diego and we all became friends. It was so great shooting them along with Karen’s cute little parents and getting to know Miss Tegan… the little girl version of Ashton. Seriously, I probably said it a 1000 times. They have the same expressions, silly personality, constant smile all disguising the adorable naughtiness.

I had this awesome garden sanctuary in Old Town scoped out for the shoot. Well, who knew that it would CLOSE the minute we got there. If you’re familiar with San Diego you know that the best Mexican Food is in Old Town. So there we were on a Friday night right in the middle of a huge weekend crowd. We found lots of cool walls and corners of the little houses to avoid having a million people in the background. And how darling is Karen’s little baby bump?

I’m really, really, really missing San Diego right now…

and Karen I’m thinking about those warm, fresh cinnamon tortillas!

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Mr. Connor Jackson Peters boy #5 | San Diego, CA

“Collect good people, truly good people…
and protect and love them the best you can”.

I was never lucky enough to have a sister. But along the way I’ve collected a few special friends that I know love me like a sister and in return I’d do anything for them.
I collected her:)
I couldn’t make it for the birth but I got to meet him 2 months later.

BTW she’s apparently the best boy mom ever because she just keeps gettin em:)

This one is my buddy ,big brother Brennan. I used to watch him while Nicole went to school and he endured hours of me takng his picture while I was learning my camera settings. He would hold still unlike MY children.
Nicole would always pack him this awesome lunch but parts woud disappear. He’d come to me and say “Jennnnnn, hers keeps eating my lunch, hers stole my fruit snacks (while pointing at the sneaky 2 yr old Halle) .

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